

目前顯示的是 10月, 2012的文章

Art for People

Preserving, educating/learning, and spreading are 3 totally different things. Every performance has its basic social and economic background. If the base change, the performance will change or disappear. For example, local Chinese Opera is still lively in many provinces in China, but it's much more artificial in Taiwan. Maybe 胡撇仔戏 performing in front of the temples is much close to this kind of situation. If we want to presearve some kinds of art works, it's because the art value of art works is so precious, but it's impossible to presearve the social and economic background. So that's why we also say: "Keep them in the museum as fossils." However, creating new proletarian art style is different. It means you have to both serve and educate proletarian people. It's not only the learning process of artists themselves but also of the audiences. Besides, "Art for Art's sake" is totally unsuitable in this kind of situation. This makes me t...

Moscow 0930

今天早上逛完Tolstoy莫斯科的家,Tolstoy真有錢,Chekhov真是完全沒法比....Nabokov家至少還有一棟,但住公寓的Dostoevsky或Bulgakov就別提了.... 快速逛完1950之後的New Tretyakov Gallery,還是花了四個小時,相當精采,雖然裝置和文件區沒法好好逛,但是繪畫和雕塑真的是用心的連語音導覽都借了,好喜歡呀。今天美術館相當熱鬧,大廳裡同時有好幾個區塊在辦繪畫雕塑工作坊,大人小孩都在玩,旁邊則是當代前衛藝術家在放奇妙的聲響和互動多媒體辦活動,K社或許可以往這方向前進? 出了美術館已經將近四點,莫斯科開始下雨,趕緊走訪Red October。然而大失所望,然而巧遇 Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design 的Eugenia小姐是意外收穫,這個機構設在Red October裡面,RO也是他們的計劃之一。莫斯科現在這類的工廠再利用案很多,之後就多了個眼線可以打聽了!問了在讀graphic design的俄國室友,LP上推薦的四個工廠她都不太推,覺得藝廊太商業或者都是PUB之類的店家聚集區(話說我今天去Red October也經常想起華山),沒有在聖彼得堡見到Loft project ETAGI的興奮感。不過她推了LP上面沒有的第五座 Flacon !看來去逛俄國當代設計潮牌有望啦! 晚上去 Taganka Theatre 看了超棒的《四川好女人》,導演 Yuri Lyubimov 是導史詩劇場攻破方法演技揚名莫斯科的前衛先驅,雖然去年引退,但是戲還是超棒!優秀俄國導演都超有喜感,上回 Andrey Serban 的 《凡尼亞舅舅》 也是,從角色詮釋到場面調度都極其驚人,全場爆笑又哀傷。歌隊運用和現場兩個樂手的配合更是像傳統戲曲鑼鼓點一樣配合場上所有呼吸,真是絕妙!中場休息有看到在賣DVD可惜身上沒錢,明天要去補買!看到好戲彌補昨天爛戲的噩夢(而且票超便宜!邊邊座才台幣200!),這四天晚上天天都訂了票,明天要去史坦尼斯拉夫斯基與契訶夫相遇之地--莫斯科藝術劇院看《海鷗》!